Grants Database

Investing in Progress

You can search this database by organization name, year and grant amount. Reach out by e-mail to Atkinson’s Executive Officer, Funding and Partnerships, Jenn Miller with any questions.

ACORN Institute Canada


to continue to strengthen the mobilization of low and moderate income workers and residents to effectively negotiate community benefits from infrastructure investments in Hamilton, Ottawa, and Toronto. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

ACORN Institute Canada


to educate, deepen and expand relationships with low wage workers AND RESIDENTS and engage a much wider community on issues related to decent work and a fair economy. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


in partnership with the Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare and the Atkinson Centre to continue to build the leadership and organizing capacity of early childhood educators alongside parents and allies, toward securing an improvement of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care system in Ontario with decent work, affordability and quality at its core. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


to educate, deepen and expand relationships with low wage workers AND FAMILIES and engage a much wider community on issues related to decent work and a fair economy. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-National Office


on behalf of an outgoing board member a donation to support Canadian Centre for Policy Alternaives’ mission of producing top-notch research shedding light on the key issues facing Canada, and to analyze solutions.

Carleton University


in partnership with Mary Ann Shadd Cary Centre for Journalism and Belonging, a donation to support a cohort of Black journalists from Canada to attend the National Association of Black Journalists Convention in Chicago and explore the role of journalism in civil democratic engagement and strong social movements.

Carleton University


a donation to support Landon Pearson Resource centre's work developing a rights based narrative focusing on the national childcare system and the rest of the care economy.

Hamilton Community Foundation


in partnership with the Hamilton Community Benefits Network to organize low income and racialized workers and residents and work with the City of Hamilton to ensure benefit from the Light Rapid Transit expansion, with a particular focus on advocating for increased affordable housing along the transit corridor. Second year of multi-year commitment.

Jamaican Canadian Association Centre


in partnership with Black Urbanism Toronto, to support the creation of the Little Jamaica Community Land Trust, a community controlled entity for anchoring Black-owned businesses and employers and to advance community ownership of land in the neighbourhood. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto, Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network to support the creation of a report capturing the cost-benefit analysis of community benefit agreements based on actual outcomes on three publicly funded light rapid transit projects - the Eglinton Crosstown, Finch West and Hurontario, with a particular focus on pathways to good careers and decent work.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto, Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network to support organizing and capacity building efforts that push for democratic, equitable and inclusive community benefit processes that build community power and centre the experiences and voices of those most impacted by development and neighbourhood change. Third year of multi-year commitment.

Mon Sheong Foundation


on behalf of an outgoing board member, a donation to support the range of programs and services that the Mon Sheong Foundation offers to promote Chinese culture and heritage.

National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association


in partnership with the Reconciliation and Responsible Investing Initiative, to continue to support Canadian institutional investors, led by Indigenous investors and Indigenous-led organizations, to use their capital and their voices to promote positive economic outcomes for Indigenous peoples through employment, support for Indigenous entrepreneurs, increased partnerships with Indigenous communities and respect for Indigenous rights and title. Second year of multi-year commitment.

OCAD University


in partnership with the Open Democracy Project, a donation to support the DemocracyXChange 2024 Summit and the connection between civil democratic engagement and strong social movements.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Decent Work and Health Network to continue their work advancing the need for legislated paid sick days, exposing precarious work as a health hazard, and demonstrating how decent work is critical for advancing racial justice and health equity. Third year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to support operational, financial, staffing and administrative infrastructure to continue advancing collective work on decent work issues work in several critical areas including policy engagement, frontline worker support and worker leadership, training and education. Third year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, to support direct relief, worker self-organizing and to ensure that migrant workers' voices and concerns are part of the assessments in federal and provincial employment and immigration policy. Second year of multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with Workers' Action Centre, Migrant Workers' Alliance for Change, and Decent Work and Health Network to educate, deepen and expand relationships with low wage workers and engage a much wider community on issues related to decent work and a fair economy. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Toronto Environmental Alliance to work with partners to organize workers and residents to ensure the City delivers on their commitment to develop a green jobs strategy, integrate community benefits into climate action plans and create job opportunities in zero waste initiatives and the reusables sector. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with Parkdale People’s Economy Project to continue to continue to support community wealth building activity in the neighbourhood.

Small Change Fund


in partnership with the Climate Emergency Unit to support the expansion of their organizing efforts towards the creation of a national Youth Climate Corps, a two-year job placement with training and living-wage pay to do essential climate work including renewable energy projects, building retrofits, ecosystem restoration, forest management, emergency response and community aid. First year of a multi-year commitment.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


in partnership with the Atkinson Centre to provide quality early childhood education research and policy recommendations specifically related to the sector’s workforce in preparation for the release of the next two Early Childhood Education Reports. Third year of a multi-year commitment.

The Local TO Publishing


to support the expansion of this online publication to cover issues arising from inequality through in-depth journalism with social impact. First year of a multi-year commitment.

The Narwhal


on behalf of an outgoing board member, a donation to support The Narwhal's mission to foster a deeper understanding of some of the most contentious issues of our time through in depth journalism with social impact.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Non Profit Network to continue to build a movement for the non profit and charitable sector that focuses on sharing decent work resources and learning, deepening relationships and networks, encouraging much-needed funding reform to support decent work, and advancing public policy advocacy while building the sector's organizing capacity. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Toronto Metropolitan University


in partnership with Democratic Engagement Exchange, a donation to support the Canadian Vote Summit 2024 and the connection between civil democratic engagement and strong social movements.

Toronto Metropolitan University


in partnership with the Yellowhead Institute to support the creation of the Yellowhead School, a inter-generational physical and virtual educational space for Indigenous people from Toronto and across Canada that will facilitate community education and mobilization, and move forward alternative narratives about work and wealth, land and labour, and prosperity and sustainability. Third year of multi-year commitment.

Toronto Outdoor Picture Show


to support the 2024 Festival titled "On the Job" to explore many facets of work and workplaces in a wide variety of filmmaking styles and to provide the Association of Early Childhood Educators and the Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre with a platform to share information about their decent work campaigns.

Unlock Democracy Canada


in partnership with Vote16 Canada, a donation to support a gathering that will bring together groups and individuals working towards democratic revitalisation and youth empowerment and the connection between civil democratic engagement and strong social movements.

Urban Alliance on Race Relations


in partnership with Broadbent Institute, a donation to support the 2024 Progress Summit and the connection between civil democratic engagement and strong social movements.

Workers Arts and Heritage Centre


to support the Centre's 30th anniversary exhibit redesign project, reflecting 30 moments in labour history and public policy relevant to working people.

World Wildlife Fund Canada


On behalf of an outgoing board member, a donation to support WWF’s mission to contribute to the protection, management, and restoration of the environment.

ACORN Institute Canada


to continue to strengthen the mobilization of low and moderate income workers and residents to effectively negotiate community benefits from infrastructure investments in Hamilton, Ottawa, and Toronto. First year of a multi-year commitment.

ACORN Institute Canada


to support the mobilization of low and moderate income workers and residents to effectively negotiate community benefits from planned infrastructure investments in Hamilton, Ottawa, and Toronto. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


working with the Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare and the Atkinson Centre, to support the leadership development of early childhood educators in order to effectively influence public policy in the best interests of the workforce and disrupt the dominant child care discourses that devalue care by lifting up new narratives and public campaigns that underscore that care work - including the work of child educators - can and should be decent work. Second year of multi-year commitment.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


to increase the capacity to organize and build the voice of parents and families in the movement for decent work for early childhood educators.

Black Lives Matter Canada


to support the Black Mutual Aid Fund for Black individuals, workers and families to cover emergency supports including housing costs, personal care costs, food and other essentials during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness


on behalf of an outgoing committee member, in partnership with the National Right to Housing Network, to hire a summer law student from Osgoode Law School who brings expertise in housing injustice for Black Canadians.

City of Toronto


to work with City and community partners to take stock of the community wealth work that has been seeded to date, look to successful practices in other jurisdictions to derive inspiration and bring together key stakeholders toward creating a bolder and more integrated strategy for Toronto.

Hamilton Community Foundation


in partnership with the Hamilton Community Benefits Network to organize low income and racialized workers and residents and work with the City of Hamilton to ensure benefit from the Light Rapid Transit expansion, with a particular focus on advocating for increased affordable housing along the transit corridor. First year of multi-year commitment.

Hamilton Community Foundation


in partnership with the Hamilton Community Benefits Network to deepen their work with partners ACORN Hamilton, the Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion and others to ensure low income and racialized communities in Hamilton benefit from the planned Light Rapid Transit expansion, with a particular focus on advocating for increased affordable housing along the transit corridor. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Interval House of Ottawa


On behalf of an outgoing committee member, to support the organization’s mission of providing safe shelter and support, intervention and prevention services, and advocacy to break the cycle of violence AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN.

Jamaican Canadian Association Centre


in partnership with Black Urbanism Toronto, to support the continued work of establishing the Little Jamaica Community Land Trust.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto, Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network to support organizing and capacity building efforts that push for democratic, equitable and inclusive community benefit processes that build community power and centre the experiences and voices of those most impacted by development and neighbourhood change. Second year of multi-year commitment.

National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association


in partnership with the Reconciliation and Responsible Investing Initiative, to continue to support Canadian institutional investors, led by Indigenous investors and Indigenous-led organizations, to use their capital and their voices to promote positive economic outcomes for Indigenous peoples through employment, support for Indigenous entrepreneurs, increased partnerships with Indigenous communities and respect for Indigenous rights and title. First year of multi-year commitment.

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants


in partnership with the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto, to support the capacity of Chinese grocery store workers to work with other frontline workers working in restaurants, factories, home care and long-term care homes, to organize for better working conditions and wages. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, to support direct relief, worker self-organizing and to ensure that migrant workers' voices and concerns are part of the assessments in federal and provincial employment and immigration policy. First year of multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Decent Work and Health Network to continue their work advancing the need for legislated paid sick days, exposing precarious work as a health hazard, and demonstrating how decent work is critical for advancing racial justice and health equity. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to support operational, financial, staffing and administrative infrastructure to continue advancing collective work on decent work issues work in several critical areas including policy engagement, frontline worker support and worker leadership, training and education. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Toronto Environmental Alliance and its partners to continue the work to ensure the city effectively addresses climate and economic justice issues in its policies.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Toronto Environmental Alliance to work with partners to organize workers and residents to ensure the City delivers on their commitment to develop a green jobs strategy, integrate community benefits into climate action plans and create job opportunities in zero waste initiatives and the reusables sector. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Parkdale People’s Economy Project to update the Parkdale Community Planning Study, which has served as a blueprint for building community power to engage in the economic processes taking place in the area, to continue to negotiating and implementing community benefits and support community-led responses to COVID-19. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

St. George’s Anglican Church


in partnership with the Niagara Community Benefits Network to strengthen the administrative capacity of the network to advocate for community benefit agreements and social procurement policies through local organizing and government engagement in the Niagara region.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


to support the establishment of a scholarship in the memory of Dr. Charles Pascal, for teacher candidates and early childhood education researchers in the Master of Teaching and Master of Arts in Child Study and Education programs at OISE who share Dr. Pascal’s commitment to education and positively impacting young learners’ lives.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


in partnership with the Atkinson Centre to provide quality early childhood education research and policy recommendations specifically related to the sector’s workforce in preparation for the release of the next two Early Childhood Education Reports. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

The Jamaican Canadian Association


in partnership with Black Urbanism Toronto to organize business owners in Little Jamaica to develop community controlled and owned business models, including the exploration of a commercial land trust to address the negative impacts faced by the neighbourhood as a result of the Crosstown Light Rapid Transit construction. Second year of multi-year commitment.

The Local TO Publishing


to support costs associated with the designing and printing of “Candidate Tracker” handbook to increase public education and awareness about the Toronto mayoral by-election.

The Local TO Publishing


to support the expansion of this online publication to cover issues arising from inequality through in-depth journalism with social impact. First year of a multi-year commitment.

The Neighbourhood Group Community Services | St. Stephen’s House


on behalf of an outgoing committee member, in partnership with St. Stephen's House, to support services for a range of people, including children, youth, people who are homeless, newcomers, seniors, and job seekers largely in the Kensington Market and surrounding areas.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Non Profit Network to continue to build a movement for the non profit and charitable sector that focuses on sharing decent work resources and learning, deepening relationships and networks, encouraging much-needed funding reform to support decent work, and advancing public policy advocacy while building the sector's organizing capacity. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network to support the implementation of an integrated and ambitious vision for decent work for the sector including working with Black-led and Indigenous-led organizations to make racial justice and reconciliation a core piece of the sector’s decent work agenda, improving working conditions in the nonprofit sector with a particular emphasis on the care economy and working with municipalities, local community benefits networks, and foundation investors to support community-owned assets and enterprises to leverage billions in planned infrastructure spending. Fourth year of a multi-year commitment.

Toronto Metropolitan University


in partnership with the Yellowhead Institute to support the creation of the Yellowhead School, a inter-generational physical and virtual educational space for Indigenous people from Toronto and across Canada that will facilitate community education and mobilization, and move forward alternative narratives about work and wealth, land and labour, and prosperity and sustainability. Second year of multi-year commitment.

Tree Canada


on behalf of an outgoing committee member, to support Tree Canada’s mission of inspiring, educating and enabling Canadians to plant and nurture trees in order to improve lives and address climate change.

ACORN Institute Canada


to support the mobilization of low and moderate income workers and residents to effectively negotiate community benefits from planned infrastructure investments in Hamilton, Ottawa, and Toronto. First year of a multi-year commitment.

ACORN Institute Canada


to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


working with the Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare and the Atkinson Centre, to support the leadership development of early childhood educators in order to effectively influence public policy in the best interests of the workforce and disrupt the dominant child care discourses that devalue care by lifting up new narratives and public campaigns that underscore that care work - including the work of child educators - can and should be decent work. First year of multi-year commitment.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


working with the Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare and the Atkinson Centre, to support the leadership of early childhood educators and their allies to effectively influence public policy in the best interests of the early childhood workforce, and to promote new narratives and public campaigns that keep early childhood workforce, care, and decent work at the centre. Third year of a multi-year commitment.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


to support the launch of a new report that examines the incomes, employment experiences, and savings of racialized workers as part of the centre’s “colour-coded” research series.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


in partnership with the Centre for Future Work, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


in partnership with Upstream, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


in partnership with Upstream, to support a research and community engagement project focused in London, Ontario. The collaborative will bring equity-focused approaches to growth that emphasize public benefit over private returns to current economic planning and redevelopment processes. Third year of a multi-year commitment.

CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals


on behalf of an outgoing board member, to support activities focused on youth workforce development, education, and advocacy to influence systems and policy to address economic and social barriers affecting Black youth ages 14 and older.

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada


to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

FoodShare Toronto


to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

FoodShare Toronto


to support workers and residents who need access to food during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hamilton Community Foundation


in partnership with the Hamilton Community Benefits Network, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Hamilton Community Foundation


in partnership with the Hamilton Community Benefits Network to deepen work with partners ACORN Hamilton, the Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion and others to ensure low income and racialized communities in Hamilton benefit from the planned Light Rapid Transit expansion, with a particular focus on advocating for increased affordable housing along the transit corridor. First year of multi-year commitment.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network to support organizing and capacity building efforts that push for democratic, equitable and inclusive community benefit processes that build community power and centre the experiences and voices of those most impacted by development and neighbourhood change. First year of multi-year commitment.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network, the recipient of the Atkinson Good Fight Prize, an award recognizing their decade-long campaign to put equity at the centre of Ontario’s infrastructure development process, make urban development and neighbourhood change more democratic, just and sustainable for future generations.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network, to support local organizing and capacity building efforts in ten Toronto neighbourhoods, supporting the efforts of community benefits coalitions in Hamilton, Ottawa and St. Catherines and continuing to engage in policy advocacy at all three levels of government, including the City of Toronto Community Benefits Report and its Budget Process, Community Benefits Charge By-law and the Federal Recovery. Third year of multi-year commitment.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with Toronto Community Benefits Network to hire a Community Benefits Organizer to support the organization's campaign work. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association


in partnership with the Reconciliation and Responsible Investing Initiative, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association


in partnership with the Reconciliation and Responsible Investing, to support Canadian institutional investors, led by Indigenous investors and Indigenous-led organizations, to use their capital and their voices to promote positive economic outcomes for Indigenous peoples through employment, support for Indigenous entrepreneurs, increased partnerships with Indigenous communities and respect for Indigenous rights and title. Third year of multi-year commitment.

National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association


in partnership with the Reconciliation and Responsible Investing Initiative to continue to mobilize institutional investors, led by Indigenous investors and Indigenous-led organizations, to use their capital and voices to promote positive economic outcomes for Indigenous peoples. Second year of multi-year commitment.

New Market Funds Society


to support a coalition of cross-sector stakeholders to design and advocate for the creation of a federal, catalytic fund to support the acquisition of existing low-end and below market rental housing.

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants


in partnership with the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto, to support the capacity of Chinese grocery store workers to work with other frontline workers working in restaurants, factories, home care and long-term care homes, to organize for better working conditions and wages. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants


in partnership with the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Decent Work and Health Network to continue their work advancing the need for legislated paid sick days, exposing precarious work as a health hazard, and demonstrating how decent work is critical for advancing racial justice and health equity. First year of of multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to support operational, financial, staffing and administrative infrastructure to continue advancing collective work on decent work issues work in several critical areas including policy engagement, frontline worker support and worker leadership, training and education. First year of multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Decent Work and Health Network, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, to support the capacity of migrant workers organizing at a national scale to improve working conditions and wages. Third year of a multi-year commitment

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Decent Work and Health Network, to support the leadership of health workers to amplify their voices to strengthen the broader decent work movement, particularly in advancing the need for legislated paid sick days, exposing precarious work as a health hazard, and drawing key connections between decent work and health in the context of a global pandemic. Third year of a multi-year commitment

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Decent Work and Health Network to support additional staffing resources to increase the capacity of the network to engage healthcare workers in the decent work movement.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to support essential workers from the Somali communities and living and working in Brampton to strengthen their voice and engagement in public policy discussions related to employment standards. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Parkdale People's Economy Project, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Parkdale People's Economy Project to establish a strong narrative strategy for movement building in the neighbourhood by reframing problems and dominant discourses on Parkdale, highlighting the histories and experiences of resistance among community members at risk of displacement, and building visions for possibilities of economic, racial, and climate justice. Third year of a multi-year commitment

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Parkdale People’s Economy Project to update the Parkdale Community Planning Study, which has served as a blueprint for building community power to engage in the economic processes taking place in the area, to continue to negotiating and implementing community benefits and support community-led responses to COVID-19. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Rexdale Community Health Centre


to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Rexdale Community Health Centre


to support area residents, particularly those from Black, racialized and immigrant communities, who need emergency support for housing costs, food and other personal care supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

St. George’s Anglican Church


in partnership with the Niagara Community Benefits Network to support administrative capacity to enable the network to push for community benefits connected to two Niagara hospital projects and launch a campaign to ensure that the 2022 Canada Summer Games directs investment into local, small, social enterprises in the Region.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


in partnership with the Atkinson Centre to provide quality early childhood education research and policy recommendations specifically related to the sector’s workforce in preparation for the release of the next two Early Childhood Education Reports. First year of multi-year commitment.

The Jamaican Canadian Association


In partnership with Black Urbanism Toronto, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

The Jamaican Canadian Association


in partnership with Black Urbanism Toronto to organize business owners in Little Jamaica to develop community controlled and owned business models, including the exploration of a commercial land trust to address the negative impacts faced by the neighbourhood as a result of the Crosstown Light Rapid Transit construction. First year of multi-year commitment.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network to support the implementation of an integrated and ambitious vision for decent work for the sector including working with Black-led and Indigenous-led organizations to make racial justice and reconciliation a core piece of the sector’s decent work agenda, improving working conditions in the nonprofit sector with a particular emphasis on the care economy and working with municipalities, local community benefits networks, and foundation investors to support community-owned assets and enterprises to leverage billions in planned infrastructure spending. Third year of a multi-year commitment.

Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre


to support Council Fire’s annual youth gathering event that brings together thousands of community members, knowledge keepers, elders, grandmothers, storytellers, drummers and dancers in the spirit of teachings, learning, sharing and collective growth.

Toronto Foundation


to support the dissemination of Toronto Foundation’s 2022 Social Capital Research Report, a comprehensive survey of Toronto residents to better understand how Torontonians connect with one another, the level of trust they have in one another and their institutions, and their perceptions of individual and community wellbeing.

Toronto Metropolitan University


in partnership with the Yellowhead Institute, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Toronto Metropolitan University


in partnership with the Yellowhead Institute to support the creation of the Yellowhead School, a inter-generational physical and virtual educational space for Indigenous people from Toronto and across Canada that will facilitate community education and mobilization, and move forward alternative narratives about work and wealth, land and labour, and prosperity and sustainability. First year of multi-year commitment.

United Way / Centraide Windsor-Essex County


in partnership with the Windsor Essex Community Benefit Coalition, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

United Way / Centraide Windsor-Essex County


in partnership with the Windsor-Essex Community Benefits Coalition, to lead public awareness and education on community wealth building initiatives, innovative economic empowerment solutions like cooperative and community ownership models, social enterprises and building overall resident empowerment models. Third year of multi-year commitment.

Wellesley Institute


in partnership with the The Local, to support a one time 8% inflation top up in response to significant increase in the cost of utilities, goods and services, and insurance.

Wellesley Institute


in partnership with The Local, to support the coverage of issues arising from inequality and the publication's cultivation of a highly diverse audience and team of contributors. Second year of multi-year commitment.

Across Boundaries: An Ethnoracial Mental Health Centre


in partnership with Black Lives Matter Toronto to establish the Black Mutual Aid Fund for Black individuals, workers and families to cover emergency supports including housing costs, personal care costs, food and other essentials during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


working with the Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare and the Atkinson Centre, to support the leadership of early childhood educators and their allies to effectively influence public policy in the best interests of the early childhood workforce, and to promote new narratives and public campaigns that keep early childhood workforce, care, and decent work at the centre. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Black Creek Community Health Centre


to support a team of Black and racialized youth to provide meal delivery to seniors and conduct peer education on COVID-19, including distributing personal protective equipment and other emergency support.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


in partnership with the Centre for Future Work, to document the most promising ways to preserve employee voice, agency and power as the world of work changes in order to contribute to a more informed and strategic understanding of the challenges and opportunities for workers arising from rapid changes in the world of work. Third year of a multi-year commitment.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


in partnership with Upstream, to support a research and community engagement project focused in London, Ontario. The collaborative will bring equity-focused approaches to growth that emphasize public benefit over private returns to current economic planning and redevelopment processes. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Canadian Women’s Foundation


on behalf of an outgoing board member, to support funding, research, advocacy, and knowledge-sharing to address the root causes of gender inequality, achieve systemic change and support women and girls to move out of violence, out of poverty, and into confidence and leadership.

Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada


to support Black and Indigenous youth who have aged out of the child welfare system and who need emergency support for housing costs, food and other personal care supplies and technology for e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

City of Toronto


in partnership with AnchorTO, to support to a network of public sector institutions working together to embed social procurement strategies to both achieve their organization’s mission and maximize benefit for Toronto’s low income and racialized communities. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Covenant House Toronto


on behalf of an outgoing committee member, to support the organization to advocate on behalf of youth by influencing policy and systems, raise awareness about homelessness and trafficking, use research and program evaluation to inform best practices and meet the needs of youth, and provide comprehensive resources and services to support youth in their journey towards a safe and secure future for themselves.

F.W. Thompson Family Foundation


on behalf of an outgoing committee member, to support the Frederick W. Thompson Anxiety Disorder Centre at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Canada’s first intensive residential treatment program for people living with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada


to support the organization’s work to end discrimination against First Nation children and families through education initiatives, public policy campaigns and providing quality resources to support communities.

FoodShare Toronto


to support workers and residents who need access to food during the COVID-19 pandemic.

FoodShare Toronto


on behalf of an outgoing board member, to support the Emergency Good Food Box program which distributes to over 70,000 households and is equivalent to over one million pounds of fresh, nutritious, high-quality produce.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network, to support local organizing and capacity building efforts in ten Toronto neighbourhoods, supporting the efforts of community benefits coalitions in Hamilton, Ottawa and St. Catherines and continuing to engage in policy advocacy at all three levels of government, including the City of Toronto Community Benefits Report and its Budget Process, Community Benefits Charge By-law and the Federal Recovery. Second year of multi-year commitment.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with Toronto Community Benefits Network to hire a Community Benefits Organizer to support the organization's campaign work. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Malvern Family Resource Centre


to support residents, particularly those from area’s South Asian and Indo-Caribbean communities, who need emergency support for food, personal care supplies and mental health and wellness supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.

National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association


in partnership with the Reconciliation and Responsible Investing, to support Canadian institutional investors, led by Indigenous investors and Indigenous-led organizations, to use their capital and their voices to promote positive economic outcomes for Indigenous peoples through employment, support for Indigenous entrepreneurs, increased partnerships with Indigenous communities and respect for Indigenous rights and title. Second year of multi-year commitment.

National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association


in partnership with the Reconciliation and Responsible Investing Initiative to continue to mobilize institutional investors, led by Indigenous investors and Indigenous-led organizations, to use their capital and voices to promote positive economic outcomes for Indigenous peoples. First year of multi-year commitment.

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants


in partnership with the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto to expand the project's focus beyond the grocery store sector to include improving working conditions and wages for other Chinese Canadian frontline workers working in restaurants, factories, home care and long-term care homes. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to continue to lead the fight for higher wages and better working conditions for low wage workers by strengthening operational infrastructure, advancing policy solutions and building capacity of worker voice across the province. Fifth year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, to support the capacity of migrant workers organizing at a national scale to improve working conditions and wages. Second year of a multi-year commitment

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Decent Work and Health Network, to support the leadership of health workers to amplify their voices to strengthen the broader decent work movement, particularly in advancing the need for legislated paid sick days, exposing precarious work as a health hazard, and drawing key connections between decent work and health in the context of a global pandemic. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to support essential workers from the Somali communities and living and working in Brampton to strengthen their voice and engagement in public policy discussions related to employment standards. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Toronto Environmental Alliance to support a cross-sectoral, community-based coalition made up of labor organizations, racial and Indigenous justice organizations, and policy think tanks to champion a low-carbon, decent work jobs strategy for Toronto that builds local power, centers people over profit, and addresses climate justice in the economic transition. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Parkdale People's Economy Project to establish a strong narrative strategy for movement building in the neighbourhood by reframing problems and dominant discourses on Parkdale, highlighting the histories and experiences of resistance among community members at risk of displacement, and building visions for possibilities of economic, racial, and climate justice. Second year of a multi-year commitment

Public Policy Forum


to support a study of collaborative local journalism programs around the globe in order to extract lessons that can help inform Canada’s Local Journalism Initiative. The Local Journalism Initiative supports the creation of original civic journalism that covers the diverse needs of underserved communities across Canada.

Rexdale Community Health Centre


to support area residents, particularly those from Black, racialized and immigrant communities, who need emergency support for housing costs, food and other personal care supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sanctuary Ministries of Toronto


to support the creation of a book entitled “Displacement City - Fighting for health and homes in the middle of a pandemic” by providing honorariums for unemployed or under-employed writers who will be invited to contribute their voices as those that have experienced homelessness.

The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation


on behalf of an outgoing committee member, to support research into dietary therapies to treat children with epilepsy

The WoodGreen Foundation


on behalf of an outgoing board member, to support provide homeless mother-led families with access to transitional housing based on active program participation and achievement of personal goals such as earning a college diploma, starting a career, and achieving economic self-sufficiency.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network to support the implementation of an integrated and ambitious vision for decent work for the sector including working with Black-led and Indigenous-led organizations to make racial justice and reconciliation a core piece of the sector’s decent work agenda, improving working conditions in the nonprofit sector with a particular emphasis on the care economy and working with municipalities, local community benefits networks, and foundation investors to support community-owned assets and enterprises to leverage billions in planned infrastructure spending. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

United Way / Centraide Windsor-Essex County


in partnership with the Windsor-Essex Community Benefits Coalition, to lead public awareness and education on community wealth building initiatives, innovative economic empowerment solutions like cooperative and community ownership models, social enterprises and building overall resident empowerment models. Second year of multi-year commitment.

Wellesley Institute


in partnership with The Local, to support the coverage of issues arising from inequality and the publication's cultivation of a highly diverse audience and team of contributors. First year of multi-year commitment.

WoodGreen Red Door Family Shelter


on behalf of an outgoing committee member, to support emergency shelter and support for women and children affected by domestic abuse, families experiencing a housing crisis, and refugee claimants with nowhere else to turn.

ACORN Institute Canada


to support ACORN to grow its base of local leaders in each Toronto, Hamilton and Ottawa, strengthen its organizational capacity to document and share it’s unique approach to organizing and coalition building and implement digital tools to better mobilize community members to leverage community benefits associated with planned infrastructure investments. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


working with the Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare and the Atkinson Centre, to support the leadership of early childhood educators and their allies to effectively influence public policy in the best interests of the early childhood workforce, and to promote new narratives and public campaigns that keep early childhood workforce, care, and decent work at the centre. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Black Creek Community Health Centre


to support a team of Black and racialized youth to provide meal delivery to seniors and conduct peer education on COVID-19, including distributing personal protective equipment and other emergency support.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


in partnership with the Centre for Future Work, to document the most promising ways to preserve employee voice, agency and power as the world of work changes in order to contribute to a more informed and strategic understanding of the challenges and opportunities for workers arising from rapid changes in the world of work. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


in partnership with Upstream, to support a research and community engagement project focused in London, Ontario. The collaborative will bring equity-focused approaches to growth that emphasize public benefit over private returns to current economic planning and redevelopment processes. First year of a multi-year commitment.

CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals


to provide emergency support to Black youth that need access to groceries and personal items during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals


to provide emergency support to Black youth with access to groceries and personal items during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada


to support Black and Indigenous youth who have aged out of the child welfare system and need emergency support for housing costs, food and other personal care supplies and technology support for e-learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

City of Toronto


in partnership with AnchorTO, to support to a network of public sector institutions working together to embed social procurement strategies to both achieve their organization’s mission and maximize benefit for Toronto’s low income and racialized communities. First year of a multi-year commitment.

FoodShare Toronto


to provide people, including 500 food couriers who lost their jobs following Foodora’s announcement that it was ending operations in Canada, with access to good food during the COVID-19 pandemic.

FoodShare Toronto


to provide people, including 500 couriers who lost their jobs following Foodora’s announcement that it was ending operations in Canada, with access to food during the COVID-19 pandemic.

FoodShare Toronto


on behalf of an outgoing board member, in partnership with Sundance Harvest to support educational programming related to growing food, healthy food choices and urban farming.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network, to support local organizing and capacity building efforts in ten Toronto neighbourhoods, supporting the efforts of community benefits coalitions in Hamilton, Ottawa and St. Catherines and continuing to engage in policy advocacy at all three levels of government, including the City of Toronto Community Benefits Report and its Budget Process, Community Benefits Charge By-law and the Federal Recovery. First year of multi-year commitment.

MakeWay Charitable Society


on behalf of an outgoing board member, to support the Ontario Indigenous Youth Partnership Program which supports Indigenous youth living in Ontario to engage in their communities through projects that promote environmental, social, spiritual, and physical well-being.

Mennonite Central Committee Ontario


in partnership with the Ontario Living Wage Network to support a transitional grant towards the cost of staff salaries in recognition of the important work that partnership does engaging employers for decent work.

National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association


in partnership with the Reconciliation and Responsible Investing, to support Canadian institutional investors, led by Indigenous investors and Indigenous-led organizations, to use their capital and their voices to promote positive economic outcomes for Indigenous peoples through employment, support for Indigenous entrepreneurs, increased partnerships with Indigenous communities and respect for Indigenous rights and title. First year of multi-year commitment.

Native Canadian Centre of Toronto


in partnership with Toronto Aboriginal Support Service Council, to support urban Indigenous families with basic services like food and housing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Native Canadian Centre of Toronto


in partnership with the Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council to support agencies providing support to urban Indigenous people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre


in partnership with the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres, to support Indigenous families outside Toronto with food, personal care supplies, transportation subsidies, and other basic supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.

North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre


In partnership with the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres to support Indigenous families outside Toronto who need food, personal care supplies, transportation subsidies, and other basic supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants


to support precariously employed migrant workers susceptible to exploitation or in unsafe conditions with emergency supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants


to support precariously employed migrant workers susceptible to exploitation or in unsafe conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants


in partnership with the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto to expand the project's focus beyond the grocery store sector to include improving working conditions and wages for other Chinese Canadian frontline workers working in restaurants, factories, home care and long-term care homes. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to continue to lead the fight for higher wages and better working conditions for low wage workers by strengthening operational infrastructure, advancing policy solutions and building capacity of worker voice across the province. Fourth year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, to support the capacity of migrant workers organizing at a national scale to improve working conditions and wages. First year of a multi-year commitment

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Decent Work and Health Network, to support the leadership of health workers to amplify their voices to strengthen the broader decent work movement, particularly in advancing the need for legislated paid sick days, exposing precarious work as a health hazard, and drawing key connections between decent work and health in the context of a global pandemic. First year of a multi-year commitment

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


to support upgrades to the organization’s IT infrastructure to support remote work and digital organizing during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as to improve existing office space that complies with new public health requirements.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre to support a cohort of 15 organizers to participate in the Labor Notes Conference in Chicago. Labor Notes is North America’s largest conference focused on building worker power from the ground up.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Decent Work and Health Network to build the evidence connecting between paid emergency leave, sick days and sick notes to decent work and public health, to broaden and grow the base of healthcare providers active in the decent work movement in communities outside of the GTA and to advocate for the reinstatement of paid sick days and the abolition of doctors notes by linking the research findings to the influenza season in early 2020. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with Migrant Workers Alliance for Change to support research, policy support and the capacity of organizers in three key areas: migrant workers who are here on study permits but engaged in exploitative work relationships; regions in Southern Ontario where groups working with agricultural workers are focusing away from a decent work agenda and prioritizing social service delivery; and caregiver organizations who are fighting to stop the end of the path to permanent status for caregivers. Third year of a multi-year commitment

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Toronto Environmental Alliance to support a cross-sectoral, community-based coalition made up of labor organizations, racial and Indigenous justice organizations, and policy think tanks to champion a low-carbon, decent work jobs strategy for Toronto that builds local power, centers people over profit, and addresses climate justice in the economic transition. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Parkdale People's Economy Project to establish a strong narrative strategy for movement building in the neighbourhood by reframing problems and dominant discourses on Parkdale, highlighting the histories and experiences of resistance among community members at risk of displacement, and building visions for possibilities of economic, racial, and climate justice. First year of a multi-year commitment

Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre


in partnership with the Nail Technicians Network, to support nail technicians who are facing economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and need emergency support.

Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre


in partnership with the Nail Technicians Network to support nail technicians who are facing economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and need emergency support.

Restoration and Empowerment for Social Transition Centre


to support Black youth who have aged out of the child welfare system with emergency supports during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rexdale Community Health Centre


to support neighbourhood residents, particularly those from Black, racialized and immigrant communities, who need emergency support for housing costs, food and other personal care supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network to support the implementation of an integrated and ambitious vision for decent work for the sector including working with Black-led and Indigenous-led organizations to make racial justice and reconciliation a core piece of the sector’s decent work agenda, improving working conditions in the nonprofit sector with a particular emphasis on the care economy and working with municipalities, local community benefits networks, and foundation investors to support community-owned assets and enterprises to leverage billions in planned infrastructure spending. First year of a multi-year commitment.

United Way / Centraide Windsor-Essex County


in partnership with the Windsor-Essex Community Benefits Coalition, to lead public awareness and education on community wealth building initiatives, innovative economic empowerment solutions like cooperative and community ownership models, social enterprises and building overall resident empowerment models. First year of multi-year commitment.

University of Waterloo’s School of Environment, Enterprise and Development


in partnership with the Legacy Leadership Lab, to support a project focused on building expert-driven solutions to small business succession challenges, including co-operative conversions and social purpose organizations.

Urban Alliance on Race Relations


to support the launch of the Black Youth Fellowship (BYF) program which aims to foster a deep understanding of the democratic system amongst Black youth, while also developing their political, social and economic literacy.

Urban Alliance on Race Relations


on behalf of an outgoing board member, in partnership with Progress Toronto to strengthen the capacity for community engagement among racialized residents of the City of Toronto.

Workers Education Alliance of Northern Ontario


in partnership with the Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre to support transitional grant towards the cost of staff salaries in recognition of the important work that partnership does engaging workers in North Eastern Ontario.

ACORN Institute Canada


to support ACORN to grow its base of local leaders in each Toronto, Hamilton and Ottawa, strengthen its organizational capacity to document and share it’s unique approach to organizing and coalition building and implement digital tools to better mobilize community members to leverage community benefits associated with planned infrastructure investments. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


in partnership with the Centre for Future Work, to document the most promising ways to preserve employee voice, agency and power as the world of work changes in order to contribute to a more informed and strategic understanding of the challenges and opportunities for workers arising from rapid changes in the world of work. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


to support a research project focused on the experience of low-income workers and Canada’s Employment Insurance program.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


in partnership with Upstream, to support the continuation of a research and community engagement project based in London, Ontario. The collaborative will bring equity-focused approaches that emphasize public benefit over private returns to economic planning and redevelopment processes underway in the city. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women


in partnership with the Equal Pay Coalition, to support the mobilization of a national network of women’s organizations toward a decent work agenda and platform for action and policy recommendations culminating in a report to be launched publicly in December 2020.

Christian-Jewish Dialogue of Toronto


to support a one-day roundtable that will bring together a cross-sectoral group of approximately 20 participants in order to better understand both the possibilities and the limits of how basic income could impact workers and work.

City of Toronto


in partnership with AnchorTO to continue to support the network of public sector institutions to embed social procurement strategies to both achieve their organization’s mission and maximize economic and employment benefit for Toronto’s low income communities. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition


in partnership with the Guelph & Wellington Task Force For Poverty Elimination to support a project to mobilize workers in Guelph-Wellington to join the movement for decent work by increasing community organizing capacity and support civic engagement at the neighbourhood level. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Hamilton Community Foundation


in partnership with the Hamilton Community Benefits Network to work with partners like ACORN Hamilton, the Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion and others to ensure low income and racialized communities benefit from the planned Light Rapid Transit expansion, with a particular focus on advocating for increased affordable housing along the transit corridor.



to support the establishment of bursary for Indigenous students at Indspire in honour of outgoing Philanthropic Foundations of Canada President and CEO, Hilary Pearson.

Industrial Accident Victims Group of Ontario


in partnership with the Industrial Accident Victims Group of Ontario, to support the movement of injured immigrant workers, facilitate non-unionized, racialized and immigrant and migrant workers in leadership roles and build alliances with workers' rights, migrants-rights and anti-poverty organizations to advance the Real Health Care Campaign that urges the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board to better protect marginalized injured workers. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Industrial Accident Victims Group of Ontario


in partnership with Injured Workers Action For Justice, to provide additional capacity to support the movement of injured immigrant workers, facilitate non-unionized, racialized and immigrant and migrant workers in leadership roles and build alliances with workers' rights, migrants-rights and anti-poverty organizations to better protect marginalized injured workers

Jane-Finch Community Ministry


to support programs and services for the Jane and Finch community including food programs, tax form support, Eid gifts for children and youth scholarships.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network to support the network to strengthen its community benefit campaign strategies with a focus on the Finch Light Rail Transit line and other developments that provide residents with the opportunity to build their knowledge, leadership and organizing capacity to achieve material wins. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Mennonite Central Committee Ontario


in partnership with the Ontario Living Wage Network, to launch an effective province-wide campaign to engage public sector employers as living wage leaders in their community. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Mennonite Central Committee Ontario


in partnership with the Ontario Living Wage Network to support bridge funding as the network works to diversify its revenue base in order to continue engaging employers for decent work.

National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association


in partnership with the Reconciliation and Responsible Investing Initiative, to support the leadership of Indigenous Trust Officers in responsible investment; to produce investor guidance and research; and to encourage institutional investor partnership activity on reconciliation.

Native Canadian Centre of Toronto


in partnership with the Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council, to examine how investing in cultural wellness supports and strengthening working conditions and wages can improve workplaces in Indigenous non-profit organizations.

Nishnawbe-Gamik Friendship Centre


to support the centre's programming in Sioux Lookout including food supports, Christmas hampers, harm reduction programs, healing and cultural practices and youth and children’s programs.

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants


in partnership with the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto to build worker and community leadership to support organising strategies that address poor conditions faced by Chinese grocery store workers, increase awareness of the high rates of wage theft faced by workers and partner with workers in other “ethnic economies” to share lessons learned and explore ways to improve workplace conditions. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants


to support a capacity building project for a cohort of Executive Directors from immigrant serving organizations including OCASI, COSTI, Labour Community Services, Refugee 613 and the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council, to effectively interrupt the pervasive and erroneous narratives around immigration and the economy.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to continue to lead the fight for higher wages and better working conditions for low wage workers by strengthening operational infrastructure, advancing policy solutions and building capacity of worker voice across the province. Third year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Decent Work and Health Network to build the evidence connecting between paid emergency leave, sick days and sick notes to decent work and public health, to broaden and grow the base of healthcare providers active in the decent work movement in communities outside of the GTA and to advocate for the reinstatement of paid sick days and the abolition of doctors notes by linking the research findings to the influenza season in early 2020. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with Migrant Workers Alliance for Change to support research, policy support and the capacity of organizers in three key areas: migrant workers who are here on study permits but engaged in exploitative work relationships; regions in Southern Ontario where groups working with agricultural workers are focusing away from a decent work agenda and prioritizing social service delivery; and caregiver organizations who are fighting to stop the end of the path to permanent status for caregivers. Second year of a multi-year commitment

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Toronto Environmental Alliance, to support the first stage of a multi-phase and cross-sectoral coalition and campaign in support of a low-carbon decent work jobs strategy in Toronto, leading up to the City of Toronto’s 2021 budget cycle.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


to support a member of the Parkdale People's Economy project's staff team to provide a key role the development of new leadership learning initiative to strengthen local organizing for a fair economy. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre


in partnership with the Nail Technicians Network to support nail technicians to learn about their basic employment rights and to strengthen and grow the collective power and leadership of workers with the support of community agencies as allies. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton


to support with the Marvyn Novick Memorial Lecture and Symposium which will engage young leaders, policy-makers and policy advocates, academics and researchers, community activists and the public in a discussion on what a care-based approach to the social commons would be in Canada.

The Canadian Community Economic Development Network


to monitor of policy issues to support advocacy and organizing for the Power Lab, a new leadership learning and organizational capacity building initiative to protect and leverage investments in community benefits organizing. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


in partnership with the Atkinson Centre to focus on the issue of decent work within the early childhood education and care sector as part of the release of the Early Childhood Education Report, which examines trends at both the national and provincial and territorial levels in early childhood education services. Third year of a multi-year commitment.

Tides Canada Initiatives Society


in partnership with the Digital Justice Lab to work with the Atkinson Foundation, Ford Foundation, Partnership for Working Families and the Power Lab to organize two strategic learning gatherings for community organizers that will develop knowledge, skills and partnerships necessary to influence tech developments for community benefit.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network to support the network's capacity to address the root causes and barriers to providing decent work in the sector and to build the conditions for the nonprofit sector to mobilize as an economic sector, a creator of community wealth, and a sector of job quality in the context of economic disruption. Third year of a multi-year commitment.

Toronto Foundation


on behalf of an outgoing board member, to establish a scholarship in the memory of Elmina Elliot Atkinson at the Toronto Foundation. The scholarship will be awarded to a young woman in, or about to enter a journalism program at an accredited post-secondary institution, who has demonstrated a commitment to and interest in reporting on social justice issues.

Toronto Metropolitan University


to support ten individuals from nonprofit organizations to attend DemocracyXChange, a gathering focused on strengthening democracy and grassroots community change featuring two full days of keynote speakers, panel discussions and participatory workshops.

United Way / Centraide Windsor-Essex County


in partnership with the Windsor-Essex Community Benefits Coalition, to supports its growth, to develop an ongoing process for residents to provide input and feedback on community benefits and infrastructure projects, and facilitate ongoing dialogue with the developers in the region. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

United Way Centraide North East Ontario


in partnership with the Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre to support its organizing capacity with low wage workers in Sudbury and to deepen its partnership with allies in North Bay thereby strengthening workers’ voices in Northeastern Ontario. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

United Way Halton & Hamilton


in partnership with the Halton Poverty Roundtable and the Halton Community Benefits Network to organize community consultations to gain input from local organizations and residents to identify priorities for community benefits linked to the construction of the Halton Region Consolidated Courthouse.

Windsor Baptist Refugee Ministries


to support emergency services and resources to help give refugees claimants a fresh start and develop connections in their new community.

ACORN Institute Canada


to support the ACORN Ottawa chapter to effectively negotiate community benefits from planned Light Rapid Transit investments with a focus on two neighbourhoods: Overbrook and South Ottawa/Heron Gate.

Anduhyaun Inc.


to support an emergency shelter and related programs and services for Indigenous and non-Indigenous women in Toronto who are fleeing violence.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


working with the Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare and the Atkinson Centre to continue to build the worker power needed to influence public policy progress on wages and working conditions for Early Childhood Educators and staff in Ontario. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


in partnership with Upstream, to support the continuation of a research and community engagement project based in London, Ontario. The collaborative will bring equity-focused approaches that emphasize public benefit over private returns to economic planning and redevelopment processes underway in the city. First year of a multi-year commitment.

City of Toronto


in partnership with AnchorTO to continue to support the network of public sector institutions to embed social procurement strategies to both achieve their organization’s mission and maximize economic and employment benefit for Toronto’s low income communities. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough


to support the development of a website that will house a record of the Vital Conversations project to disseminate key recommendations and insights emerging from the Peterborough’s 2017 Vital Signs® Report.

Environmental Defence Canada


to support a project focused on strategies that promote just transitions for workers impacted by climate action. The project will take place in Oshawa in partnership with auto workers and leadership in Unifor Local 222, members of the Durham Region Labour Council and members of Unifor’s Durham Regional Environment Council.

Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition


in partnership with the Guelph & Wellington Task Force For Poverty Elimination to support a project to mobilize workers in Guelph-Wellington to join the movement for decent work by increasing community organizing capacity and support civic engagement at the neighbourhood level. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Industrial Accident Victims Group of Ontario


in partnership with the Industrial Accident Victims Group of Ontario, to support the movement of injured immigrant workers, facilitate non-unionized, racialized and immigrant and migrant workers in leadership roles and build alliances with workers' rights, migrants-rights and anti-poverty organizations to advance the Real Health Care Campaign that urges the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board to better protect marginalized injured workers. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network to support the network to strengthen its community benefit campaign strategies with a focus on the Finch Light Rail Transit line and other developments that provide residents with the opportunity to build their knowledge, leadership and organizing capacity to achieve material wins. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Mennonite Central Committee Ontario


in partnership with the Ontario Living Wage Network, to launch an effective province-wide campaign to engage public sector employers as living wage leaders in their community. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants


in partnership with the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto to build worker and community leadership to support organising strategies that address poor conditions faced by Chinese grocery store workers, increase awareness of the high rates of wage theft faced by workers and partner with workers in other “ethnic economies” to share lessons learned and explore ways to improve workplace conditions. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre to build even stronger capacity across the Greater Toronto Area to support workers to play a leadership role in community organizing for decent work.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to continue to lead the fight for higher wages and better working conditions for low wage workers by strengthening operational infrastructure, advancing policy solutions and building capacity of worker voice across the province. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with Migrant Workers Alliance for Change to support research, policy support and the capacity of organizers in three key areas: migrant workers who are here on study permits but engaged in exploitative work relationships; regions in Southern Ontario where groups working with agricultural workers are focusing away from a decent work agenda and prioritizing social service delivery; and caregiver organizations who are fighting to stop the end of the path to permanent status for caregivers. First year of a multi-year commitment

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


to support the organization's Executive Director to participate in the Harvard Business School's Strategic Perspectives in Non-profit Management program.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Parkdale People's Economy Project, to support the network to continue to build community power and the capacity of residents and workers to engage in the economic processes taking place in Parkdale and complete the Parkdale Community Benefits Framework. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


to support a member of the Parkdale People's Economy project's staff team to provide a key role the development of new leadership learning initiative to strengthen local organizing for a fair economy. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre


in partnership with the Nail Technicians Network to support nail technicians to learn about their basic employment rights and to strengthen and grow the collective power and leadership of workers with the support of community agencies as allies. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Shibogama Kanawayneemidowin


on behalf of an outgoing board member, to support the 2018 Survivors of Suicide Conference to bring together members of northern First Nation communities to address the issue of youth suicide and to develop community responses to confront this growing crisis.

The Canadian Community Economic Development Network


to monitor of policy issues to support advocacy and organizing for the Power Lab, a new leadership learning and organizational capacity building initiative to protect and leverage investments in community benefits organizing. First year of a multi-year commitment.

The Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada


to support “Conversations with Tanya Talaga”, an event to be held at the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Society in connection with the Vancouver Massey Lecture. This gathering will supplement the lecture and will allow participants to explore, connect, and learn about active reconciliation and issues impacting Indigenous communities across the country.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


to support the Interprofessional Medical and Allied Groups for Improving Neighbourhood Environment’s 3rd Annual Student-Led Conference, “Decent Work for All: Taking Action to Address the Health Impacts of Precarious Work”, a gathering that brings together students, academics, health care providers, activists, and community members and organizations interested in promoting the health of communities affected by precarious work.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


in partnership with the Atkinson Centre to focus on the issue of decent work within the early childhood education and care sector as part of the release of the Early Childhood Education Report, which examines trends at both the national and provincial and territorial levels in early childhood education services. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

The Neighbourhood Office


in partnership with The St. James Town Community Corner to support support individuals and families displaced by a fire at 650 Parliament Street.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network to support the network's capacity to address the root causes and barriers to providing decent work in the sector and to build the conditions for the nonprofit sector to mobilize as an economic sector, a creator of community wealth, and a sector of job quality in the context of economic disruption. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

United Native Friendship Centre


to support the centre’s services for Indigenous people in Fort Frances, including skills training, counselling and a food bank.

United Way / Centraide Windsor-Essex County


in partnership with the Windsor-Essex Community Benefits Coalition, to supports its growth, to develop an ongoing process for residents to provide input and feedback on community benefits and infrastructure projects, and facilitate ongoing dialogue with the developers in the region. First year of a multi-year commitment.

United Way Centraide North East Ontario


in partnership with the Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre to support its organizing capacity with low wage workers in Sudbury and to deepen its partnership with allies in North Bay thereby strengthening workers’ voices in Northeastern Ontario. First year of a multi-year commitment.

United Way of Greater Toronto


to support the development of a legal opinion on behalf of the non-profit sector with respect to recent changes to the Elections Ontario and the Elections Finance Act in order to ensure clear and accurate information was provided to the sector regarding what is permissible during the upcoming election period.

ACORN Institute Canada


to strengthen local power in Toronto, Hamilton and Peel to support communities to effectively negotiate community benefits from planned infrastructure investments connected to the Light Rapid Transit expansion. ACORN will focus its efforts on leveraging its network of low and moderate income members and contacts in the three regions, build their leadership and connect leaders to locally established and emerging community benefit networks.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


working with the Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare and the Atkinson Centre to continue to build the worker power needed to influence public policy progress on wages and working conditions for Early Childhood Educators in Ontario. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


to support an engagement and awareness raising project geared to key policymakers to explain the social and fiscal benefits of pharmacare as part of a campaign focused on the adoption of a publicly-funded universal pharmacare policy.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


to support an engagement and awareness raising project that will use a variety of tools to reach out to key policymakers to explain the social and fiscal benefits of a publicly-funded universal pharmacare policy.

Canadian Women’s Foundation


in partnership with the Equal Pay Coalition to raise awareness and build momentum within the labour and women’s sectors in support of pay equity in Canada.

Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation


to support a community food bank that distributes over 11,000 pounds of food each year and an annual Christmas food hamper program.

City of Toronto


to support the City of Toronto to convene major public institutions alongside experts from other jurisdictions in order to accelerate existing institutional understanding and practice of social procurement through the sharing of relevant tools, processes and experiences.

Clarington East Economic Support


to support a food bank located in the hometown of Joseph Atkinson and an annual Christmas food hamper program.

Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough


to support series of community conversations that will take place in the Fall of 2017, connected to the release of Peterborough’s 2017 Vital Signs® Report. These conversations will bring friends and neighbours together to share a meal to identify common ground, and to surface shared core values to guide a vision for Peterborough’s future.

Hospitality Workers Training Centre


in partnership with the Hospitality Workers Training Centre, to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network, to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

Mennonite Central Committee Ontario


in partnership with the Ontario Living Wage Network, to increase their capacity to engage businesses and nonprofit/charitable organizations to offer their employees a living wage.

Native Canadian Centre of Toronto


in partnership with the Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council, to support a research action project that will examine how work is viewed, valued, and experienced by Indigenous workers in Indigenous-led nonprofit organizations. The project will also explore how Indigenous governance, policies, and procedures support decent work and where challenges exist.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to continue to lead the fight for higher wages and better working conditions for low wage workers by strengthening operational infrastructure, advancing policy solutions and building capacity of worker voice across the province. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, the recipient of the Atkinson Good Fight Prize, an award recognizing their campaign that demonstrated significant impact including a package of employment and labour reforms released by the provincial government that was consistent with the demands advanced during the Changing Workplaces Review.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Migrant Alliance for Change, to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre to develop the leadership and civic engagement skills of low wage workers, increase public awareness about the issues facing workers, produce and disseminate resources on workplaces rights and employment legislation and to build community partnerships to support the work. Seventh year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Parkdale People's Economy Project, to support the network to continue to build community power and the capacity of residents and workers to engage in the economic processes taking place in Parkdale and complete the Parkdale Community Benefits Framework. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


to develop a Parkdale Community Benefits Framework and initiate an anchor institution roundtable to leverage the spending and hiring power of public sector institutions.

Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre


in partnership with the Nail Technicians Network, to support six members of the network to attend an international gathering organized by the California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative for nail technicians who are mobilizing for decent work and safe workplaces

Public Policy Forum


to support a research project to better understand local news deficits and their connection to citizen engagement with democratic institutions and civil discourse

Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton


in partnership with the Hamilton Community Benefit Network to engage local residents through a series of community meetings to build awareness of community benefits and opportunities associated with the planned Light Rapid Transit project in Hamilton.

Social Planning Council of Sudbury


in partnership with the Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre, to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

St. Michael’s Hospital Academic Family Health Team


in partnership with the Decent Work and Health Network, to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

St. Michael’s Hospital Academic Family Health Team


to provide additional capacity to an emerging network of health care providers to advocate for paid sick days, personal emergency leave and protections for injured temporary workers and further develop and test tools and training to support health providers to identify and address precarious work with their clients.

St. Michael’s Hospital Foundation


to support an emerging network of health care providers to advocate for paid sick days, personal emergency leave and protections for injured temporary workers and further develop and test tools and training to support health providers to identify and address precarious work with their clients.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


in partnership with the Mowat Centre, to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


in partnership with the Atkinson Centre to focus on the issue of decent work within the early childhood education and care sector as part of the release of the Early Childhood Education Report, which examines trends at both the national and provincial and territorial levels in early childhood education services. First year of a multi-year commitment.

The United Church of Canada


in partnership with the Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition, to support an emerging community leader to participate in the Ontario Employment Education & Research Centre and Worker’s Action Centre’s leadership training and mentorship program that deepens the capacity of workers to organize their communities and sectors to have a voice in public policy discussions related to employment standards.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network, to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network to support the network's capacity to address the root causes and barriers to providing decent work in the sector and to build the conditions for the nonprofit sector to mobilize as an economic sector, a creator of community wealth, and a sector of job quality in the context of economic disruption. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


to support nonprofit organizations to attend a day-long gathering of living wage employers to share how providing decent work and good jobs has allowed them to surpass their competition, and ultimately build a better economy for everyone.

Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre


to support programming that addresses immediate healing needs of residential school survivors living in the Regent Park neighbourhood.

Toronto Metropolitan University


to support bursaries for nonprofit organizations to attend DemocracyXChange, a civic campaign and technology summit featuring a full day of keynote speakers, panel discussions designed to engage and connect participants through pitch presentations, a campaign and exhibitor marketplace and facilitated participant feedback sessions.

United Way / Centraide Windsor-Essex County


to support the creation a Canadian coalition to advocate and negotiate specific community benefits - including job and training opportunities and community amenities - related to the construction of the bridge between Windsor and Detroit.

United Way of Greater Toronto


to support the evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of the Construction Pathway Pilot Project ("Construction Connections"), a key component of the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rapid Transit project. Construction Connections, a partnership between the City of Toronto and the Province of Ontario, is an innovative construction sector-focused service model designed to connect jobseekers to economic opportunities from public infrastructure investments.

519 Church Street Community Centre


in partnership with the Hospitality Workers Training Centre, to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

ACORN Institute Canada


to support structured organizing and public education program that develops low and moderate income community leaders in a systematic way through organizing drives, recruitment, training and support, evidence based research, data management and online engagement. Sixth year of a multi-year commitment.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


working with the Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare and the Atkinson Centre to support the next stage of this project focussed on deepening relationships and strengthening the leadership of early childhood workers across the province to participate in the movement for decent work.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


to support research and policy recommendations on two dimensions critical to decent work: (1) labour market conditions (income inequality analysis, wage analysis, an annual jobs report); and, (2) the importance of the role of the social wage in decent work — the supports that come from public services and programs.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


to undertake research activities that provide evidence based support for Medicare and examine innovations that can improve Canada's public healthcare system. Fourth year of a multi-year commitment.

Children’s Peace Theatre


on behalf of an outgoing board member, in partnership with Black Lives Matter Toronto, to organize a summer school for children aged 4-10.

Children’s Peace Theatre


on behalf of an outgoing board member, in partnership with Black Lives Matter Toronto to organize a summer school for children aged 4-10.

City of Toronto


to support the City of Toronto to convene up to ten major public institutions alongside experts from other jurisdictions in order to accelerate existing institutional understanding and practice of social procurement through the sharing of relevant tools, processes and experiences.

Good Shepherd Centre Hamilton


to support the centre's services including counselling, clothing, free or affordable furniture and food.

Halton Poverty Roundtable


to support the work of the Social Procurement and Community Benefit Network of Halton - made up of 24 representatives from anchor institutions, community organizations and labour - to use social procurement policies and community benefit agreements to increase access to decent work.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network, to support workers and residents in strengthening their knowledge, leadership and organizing capacity to advocate for decent work and training opportunities in neighbourhoods where the Eglinton Crosstown and Finch Light Rapid Transit lines are being built.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with Communities Organizing for Responsible Development to engage residents and community stakeholders around the expansion to the Woodbine Racetrack, which includes community benefits like provisions for local hiring and training.

Mennonite Central Committee Ontario


in partnership with the Living Wage Network Ontario, to grow the living wage movement by supporting public sector leaders in at least five municipal governments, five school boards, and five other public sector institutions to commit to adopt living wage policies by the end of 2018.

Mississauga Muslim Community Centre


to support a Syrian newcomer integration program where over 200 families access a food bank and related support on a weekly basis.

Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care | Child Care Education Ontario Inc.


to support a research project examining the public perception of early childhood education (ECE) as part of a broader campaign for universal access to quality ECE in Canada.

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants


in partnership with the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto chapter to develop the leadership of workers in the Greater Toronto Area’s Chinese ethnic grocery sector and connect this rapidly growing but under engaged community of precarious workers to the broader movement for decent work.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to support intensive leadership training, mentorship and a train-the-trainer component with low wage workers in at least eight cities in Ontario to have a voice in public policy development process related to employment standards.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Migrant Alliance for Change, to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


to support the organization to occupy a larger office and community space to allow for an increased number of trainings and workshops offered to workers.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre to develop the leadership and civic engagement skills of low wage workers, increase public awareness about the issues facing workers, produce and disseminate resources on workplaces rights and employment legislation and to build community partnerships to support the work. Sixth year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with Migrant Workers Alliance for Change to strengthening the base of migrant workers and their allies in Cobourg, Durham, Greater Toronto Area, Hamilton, Niagara, Windsor and Guelph by providing leadership training and tools to workers and identifying organizations well positioned to support migrant worker engagement and advocacy efforts.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


in partnership with the Parkdale People's Economy Project, to support the development of resident and worker led Parkdale Community Benefits Framework and initiate an anchor institution roundtable to leverage the spending and hiring power of local public sector institutions.

People for Education


to support an organizational evaluation at the end of People for Education's multi year grant in order to surface what was learned, what went well and ways to improve the work moving forward.

People for Education


to support the organization to develop and mobilize public support for an education framework that is integrated into a broader set of child and youth outcomes, is valid and measurable, reflects current evidence about child development and encompasses the values of democratic citizenship. Sixth year of a multi-year commitment.

Public Policy Forum


to support the engagement of media executives, government, nonprofit and philanthropic leaders and experts specializing in media business models and the role of journalism in the democratic process in order to identify policy options and business models to support and sustain public interest journalism in Canada

Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre


to support a wild food bank in Sudbury where fresh game is provided, in exchange for a tobacco offering, to anyone in need.

SKETCH Toronto


the 2016 Ruth Atkinson Hindmarsh Award winner, to expand supports for young parents who have either been in care of the child welfare system or living without family support since a very young age. The award recognized Ontario’s leading child and youth serving organizations.

Social Planning Council of Sudbury


to support a program that helps individuals and families in urgent need of food, heat, hydro, rent support and more.

Social Planning Council of Sudbury


in partnership with the Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre, to continue growing the worker led organizing capacity in Sudbury and the surrounding area as well as engaging communities in other parts of North-eastern Ontario.

Social Planning Council of Sudbury


in partnership with the Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre, to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

The Community Social Planning Council of Toronto


working with the Toronto Environmental Alliance and CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals, to strengthen neighbourhood-based organizing capacity to advocate for decent green jobs and other community benefits in order to leverage public infrastructure spending from climate investments in the province’s multi-billion dollar Climate Action Plan.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


in partnership with Smart Prosperity Institute and the Mowat Centre, to support a research project that will explore the labour market implications of the shift to a green economy with a particular focus on the impact on decent work.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


to support a focus on early childhood education policy and communications. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


in partnership with the Atkinson Centre to garner the best available evidence on early child development to inform public discourse, public policy and the professional learning of those who work with young children. Sixth year of a multi-year commitment.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network, to support the development of a pension plan for the nonprofit sector, expand a sector-wide employee benefits program, champion decent work funding practices and mobilize the sector to engage in public policy discussions related to employment standards.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network, to support participation in a national leadership and cross-movement strategy event.

University of Ontario Institute of Technology


to support a research project on job related quality of life issues that people in Oshawa and the Durham region are experiencing and identify public policies to promote job security and a living wage for workers.

519 Church Street Community Centre


in partnership with the Hospitality Workers Training Centre, to support students, faculty, food service workers and operators and university administrators to work together toward improved job quality and decent work for campus food service workers on the University of Toronto and York University campuses.

ACORN Institute Canada


to support a structured organizing and public education program that develops low and moderate income community leaders in a systematic way through organizing drives, recruitment, training and support, evidence based research, data management and online engagement.

Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario


working with the Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare and the Atkinson Centre, to organize early childhood educators (ECEs) to define what decent work means for the sector and the supports they need to help shape the national and provincial policy positions for Ontario’s ECEs

Beendigen Incorporated


to support an emergency shelter program for Indigenous women and children in Thunder Bay.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


to support the organization to strengthen their role in democratic renewal and support knowledge building and organizing in the province.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


in partnership with the Ontario Living Wage Network to expand and strengthen the living wage movement across Ontario by developing leaders and organizing capacity to influence employer attitudes and behaviour and produce digital and print tools to standardize living wage calculations and engage the public in promoting the concept of a living wage. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


to undertake research activities that provide evidence based support for Medicare and examine innovations that can improve Canada's public healthcare system.

Child Development Institute Foundation


the 2015 Ruth Atkinson Hindmarsh Award winner that delivers effective outcomes-based children’s mental health, family violence, early learning and child care services. The award recognized Ontario’s leading child and youth serving organizations.

Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada


in partnership with Powerline Films, to support the creation of a documentary exploring the unique features of cooperative enterprises that challenges ideas about work, ownership, entrepreneurship, democracy and collective agency.

First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto


to support a multi-faith coalition settling Syrian families in Toronto.

Four Rivers Presbytery


to support a multi-faith coalition settling Syrian families in Kingston.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with Communities Organizing for Responsible Development (CORD), to support partners to engage residents and community stakeholders around the expansion to the Woodbine Racetrack, which includes provisions for local hiring and training.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


in partnership with the Diverse Workers Network, to strengthen the capacity of workers from the Chinese, Filipino, Tamil, Somali and Eritrean/Ethiopian communities to effectively engage in a province wide consultation process on employment standards and labour relations.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


In partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network to organize residents to contribute to the first Community Benefit Agreement in Toronto for the Eglinton, Finch and Sheppard light rapid transit developments. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

Literary Review of Canada


to create podcasts of the work and wealth sessions at Spur Toronto, a festival of politics, art and ideas that takes place in Toronto, Winnipeg and Calgary..

Muslim Welfare Centre of Toronto


to support a Halal emergency food bank for families in the greater Toronto area.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre, to support the leadership and capacity of workers in three Toronto neighbourhoods and three cities in Southern Ontario to have a voice in public policy development process related to employment standards.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, to strengthen the base of migrant workers in Cobourg, Durham, Greater Toronto Area, Hamilton, Niagara, Windsor and Guelph through leadership training for workers and identifying allied organizations well positioned to support migrant worker engagement and advocacy efforts.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre to develop the leadership and civic engagement skills of low wage workers, increase public awareness about the issues facing workers, produce and disseminate resources on workplaces rights and employment legislation and to build community partnerships to support the work. Fifth year of a multi-year commitment.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


to support a coalition of community organizations to develop strategies for decent work based on principles of shared ownership, democratic governance and the ethics of care, resulting in an economic development plan that will include an assets assessment, a set of neighbourhood based economic well being measures, and a shared vision for decent work in Parkdale. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

People for Education


to support the organization to develop and mobilize public support for an education framework that is integrated into a broader set of child and youth outcomes, is valid and measurable, reflects current evidence about child development and encompasses the values of democratic citizenship. Fifth year of a multi-year commitment.

Social Planning Council of Sudbury


in partnership with the Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre, to conduct research on precarious employment in the regions, to engage low wage workers to better understand their rights and to encourage businesses to join the movement of employers committed to a living wage.

St. Michael’s Hospital Academic Family Health Team


to produce an environmental scan and survey, train network members and patient advocates on the connection between working conditions and health outcomes and develop an intervention model with underemployed primary care clients to connect them to decent work opportunities. Second year of a multi-year commitment.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


in partnership with the Atkinson Centre to produce the best available evidence on early child development to inform public discourse, public policy and the professional learning of those who work with young children. Fifth year of a multi-year commitment.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


in partnership with the Mowat Institute for Public Policy, to make their evidence-based policy research accessible to organizers and their communities through the creation of a “Too Long Didn't Read” series that complements the Insitute's more formal research publications.

The Remix Project


to support a youth-led research project that explored how racialized youth living in the Jane Finch and Malvern neighbourhoods understand their rights at work.

The United Church of Downtown Mission of Windsor Inc


to support an emergency food bank program for families in Windsor.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN), to support a feasibility study toward the development of a pension plan for the non profit and charitable sector and the ONN's 7,000+ members.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network to document priority issues, best practices and policy options to advance a shared vision for decent work in the nonprofit sector among nonprofit boards, executive directors, staff and funders.Second year of a multi-year commitment.

University of Ontario Institute of Technology


to support a research project on job related quality of life issues that people in Oshawa and the Durham region are experiencing and identify public policies to promote job security and a living wage for workers.

Urban Alliance on Race Relations


in partnership with DawaNet, to support the launch of a leadership development project with young Muslims to better understand the economic challenges faced by communities in the GTHA and strategies to support decent work, shared prosperity and democratic engagement.

Young Women’s Christian Association Peterborough Haliburton


to support an emergency food box program for families in Peterborough.

ACORN Institute Canada


to support a structured organizing and public education program that develops low and moderate income community leaders in a systematic way through organizing drives, recruitment, training and support, evidence based research, data management and online engagement.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


to support research activities that provide evidence based support for Medicare and examines innovations that can improve Canada's public healthcare system.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


in partnership with the Ontario Living Wage Network to expand and strengthen the living wage movement across Ontario by developing leaders and organizing capacity to influence employer attitudes and behaviour and produce digital and print tools to standardize living wage calculations and engage the public in promoting the concept of a living wage. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Churches by the Bluffs Community Services


to support the organization to provide emergency relief to approximately 3,500 individuals a month, distribute food to 22 community agencies and 2600 Christmas hampers annually.

City of Toronto


to support the creation of a community of practice made up of public sector institutions, including colleges, universities, transit agencies and other orders of government to learn about how they can use their procurement power to create new community benefits for low-income Torontonians.

Community Opportunity Innovation Network


to support a community engagement process with workers to generate concrete policy ideas toward a shared vision of economic prosperity Peterborough.

Evergreen City Works


to support a project that will determine how community benefits – job opportunities, training and apprenticeships, affordable housing and other neighbourhood improvements – can be factored into the financial model for redeveloping or renewing high rise, low income apartment buildings.

Journalists for Human Rights


In partnership with Canadian University Press, to support a project that will engage 15 student reporters to research and report on youth unemployment, student debt and other issues of concern to students related to decent work, reaching 12,000 readers on campuses across Canada.

Labour Community Services of Metropolitan Toronto Inc.


In partnership with the Toronto Community Benefits Network to organize residents to contribute to the first Community Benefit Agreement in Toronto for the Eglinton, Finch and Sheppard light rapid transit developments. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


in partnership with the Workers' Action Centre to support the partnership to develop the leadership and civic engagement skills of low wage workers, increase public awareness about the issues facing workers, produce and disseminate resources on workplaces rights and employment legislation and to build community partnerships to support the work.

Ontario Employment Education and Research Centre


In partnership with the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change to organize migrant workers and their allies in Niagara, Windsor and Guelph to build a broader, more effective migrant worker coalition in Ontario.

Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre


to support a coalition of community organizations to develop strategies for decent work based on principles of shared ownership, democratic governance and the ethics of care, resulting in an economic development plan that will include an assets assessment, a set of neighbourhood based economic well being measures, and a shared vision for decent work in Parkdale. First year of a multi-year commitment.

People for Education


to support the organization to develop and mobilize public support for an education framework that is integrated into a broader set of child and youth outcomes, is valid and measurable, reflects current evidence about child development and encompasses the values of democratic citizenship.

People for Education


to support the Telling Tales annual fundraising event

Presbyterian World Service and Development


in memory of Ian Mackenzie, to support development, emergency and refugee activities.

Pro Bono Law Ontario


the 2014 Ruth Atkinson Hindmarsh Award winner, to support the Children’s Hospitals Projects providing free legal services to address the problems that impact child health or the family’s ability to provide care/comply with treatment protocols. The award recognized Ontario’s leading child and youth serving organizations.

Project S.H.A.R.E of Niagara Falls Inc.


to support the organization to provide emergency supports to community members through a food bank.

Social Planning Toronto


in partnership with TTC Riders to mobilize airport workers and their allies to advocate for an affordable, quick and dignified public transit commute along the Union Pearson Express rail service.

St. Michael’s Hospital Academic Family Health Team


to produce an environmental scan and survey, train network members and patient advocates on the connection between working conditions and health outcomes and develop an intervention model with underemployed primary care clients to connect them to decent work opportunities. First year of a multi-year commitment.

St. Vincent Place


to support the organization to provide emergency food and basic goods to community members.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


to support a focus on early childhood education policy and communications. First year of a multi-year commitment.

The Governing Council of the University of Toronto


in partnership with the Atkinson Centre to produce the best available evidence on early child development to inform public discourse, public policy and the professional learning of those who work with young children. Fourth year of a multi-year commitment.

The Mowat Centre for Policy Innovation, School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto


in partnership with Toronto Neighbourhood Centres and the Ontario Nonprofit Network to document priority issues, best practices and policy options to advance a shared vision for decent work in the nonprofit sector.

Tides Canada Initiatives Society


in partnership with East Scarborough Storefront to organize and mobilize residents to benefit from the Eglinton Light Rapid Transit and from the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus’s procurement activities and infrastructure projects.

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services


in partnership with the Ontario Nonprofit Network to document priority issues, best practices and policy options to advance a shared vision for decent work in the nonprofit sector among nonprofit boards, executive directors, staff and funders. First year of a multi-year commitment.

Toronto Metropolitan University


In partnership with the Good Jobs for All Coalition to engage participants over three community events in October 2014 to re-imagine the notion of a good job, collect these stories by video and to share the findings at a gathering in the new year.

Wilfrid Laurier University


in partnership with Inside-Out Canada to bring together criminalized people, social service workers and educators in forums on decent work in Toronto and Kitchener.