Stephanie Nolen Named 2020-2021 Atkinson Fellow in Public Policy

Stephanie Nolen is the winner of the 2020-2021 Atkinson Fellowship in Public Policy! The announcement was made at the 23rd Annual Awards Gala of the Canadian Journalism Foundation. This first virtual gala was hosted by Rick Mercer and Lisa LaFlamme.

Stephanie is uniquely equipped to take a deep dive into the story of the year — the COVID-19 crisis. It’s exactly the kind of story that Joseph Atkinson would have stopped the presses for and figured out how to cover from every angle over time.

Even as the story unfolded each day on the front page, Mr. Atkinson would investigate who was hit hardest by the pandemic and why. He’d want to know the long-term impact on public health and the economy, and what should be done. And that’s exactly what our new Fellow wants to know and share with the rest of us through her series.

Stephanie has covered global human rights and public health issues, including epidemics, in more than 80 countries, from Afghanistan to Uruguay. She spent 17 years as a foreign correspondent for The Globe and Mail. She is an eight-time National Newspaper Award winner, and holds the national record for reporting nominations. She has four honorary doctorates, wrote a best-selling book about the African AIDS pandemic and was an Ochberg Fellow on journalism and trauma at Columbia University.

Please join us in congratulating — and thanking — this year’s Atkinson Fellow in Public Policy Stephanie Nolen for rising to the challenge of this extraordinary moment.

More information about the Atkinson Fellowship in Public Policy is available here.
